Insights Intellectual Property Office publishes update on its services

Due to the unprecedented disruption, and to support rights holders, businesses and IP professionals at this time, the IPO declared 24 March 2020 and subsequent days ‘interrupted days’ until further notice. This means that any deadlines for trade marks, including applications, which fall on an interrupted day will be extended until the IPO notifies the end of the interrupted days period.

This decision will be reviewed again on 7 May 2020 when the IPO will either continue with the period of interruption or announce that the period will end. The IPO will provide a minimum of two weeks’ notice before ending the interrupted days period.

The IPO encourages everyone to continue to work to existing deadlines if possible. Interrupted days have been introduced as a safety net where the normal course of business is not possible. To read the update on the IPO’s website, click here.

You can find out about the strategies adopted by the EUIPO and WIPO here.