Insights Online Video Platforms Will Be Regulated Like Broadcasters Under New EU Rules


The European Union’s ‘Audiovisual Media Services Directive’ (AVMSD) is designed to harmonise European regulation of broadcasters. A wide-ranging revision to the regulation passed in November 2018. One of the biggest changes was that it extended to video sharing platforms for the first time, essentially bringing regulation of these services more in line with how broadcasters are regulated. This regulation covers both the content shown on digital video platforms, and the ads they show next to that content.

Once the regulation passed, EU member states had 21 months to update their own national laws to reflect the changes in the AVMSD. Many EU countries, including the UK – who will be adopting the legislation in spite of Brexit – are still finalising their amendments to their laws, which must be passed by September. Sarah MacDonald spoke to Video Ad News to explain who will be affected by the revised AVMSD, and what will be required of them once the new laws have passed. You can read the article for free here.