Insights Ofcom publishes decision to make regulations allowing Wi-Fi use in 5.8GHz band

Ofcom explains that many Wi-Fi routers in the UK currently use a part of the spectrum called the 2.4 GHz band, which is becoming increasingly congested and can impair broadband performance. Many people now have newer broadband routers, which use not only the 2.4 GHz band, but also the 5 GHz band, which has much more spectrum and is less congested.

To make connections faster, Ofcom is making regulations to open an additional 125 MHz of spectrum in a “sub-band” within the 5 GHz frequency range for Wi-Fi, while ensuring protection for other users, such as satellite services. The extra sub-band increases the number of 80 MHz channels available for Wi-Fi from four to six. To read the decision, click here.

