Insights European Commission proposes “Path to the Digital Decade” to achieve digital transformation by 2030

The Commission says that its “Path to the Digital Decade” proposal is a concrete plan to achieve the digital transformation of society and the economy by 2030. The “Path” will set up a governance framework based on an annual cooperation mechanism with Member States to reach the 2030 Digital Decade targets at Union level in the areas of digital skills, digital infrastructures, digitalisation of businesses and public services. It also aims to identify and implement large-scale digital projects involving the Commission and Member States.

The Commission says that digital progress in Member States has been very uneven in recent years. The trend shows that the countries progressing at a slow pace five years ago have continued to progress slowly. The new “Path to the Digital Decade”, will provide structured cooperation to work collectively towards the agreed objectives, while recognising different starting points among Member States.

Specifically, the Commission proposes an annual cooperation mechanism with Member States consisting of:

  • a structured, transparent and shared monitoring system based on the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) to measure progress towards each of the 2030 targets, including key performance indicators (KPIs);
  • an annual report on the “State of the Digital Decade”, in which the Commission will evaluate progress and provide recommendations;
  • multiannual digital decade strategic roadmaps, in which Member States will outline adopted or planned policies and measures in support of the 2030 targets;
  • a structured annual framework to discuss and address areas of insufficient progress through recommendations and joint commitments between the Commission and Member States; and
  • a mechanism to support the implementation of multi-country projects.

The Commission says that it will review the targets by 2026 to take stock of technological, economic and societal developments. To read the Commission’s press release in full, click here.