Insights IFPI unites with coalition of creative industry organisations in call for fix to value gap in EU


IFPI, together with a large coalition of organisations representing a wide range of creative industries, has written to Mr Voss MEP, as work continues on the proposed EU Copyright Directive.

Europe’s creative industries are calling in unison for MEPs to support a legislative solution to the Value Gap for creative content online.

The letter states that “a meaningful legislative solution to remove the distortion undermining Europe’s creative content market must clarify, in line with the CJEU case law, that platforms that store and provide access to copyright protected content uploaded (or displayed) by their users:

  • undertake copyright relevant acts (i.e. communication to the public and, as the case may be, reproduction); and
  • cannot benefit from the “Safe Harbour” regime in Article 14 of the E-Commerce Directive because they play an active role by, for instance, promoting such content or optimising the presentation of it.”

To read the letter in full on IFPI’s website, click here.

