Insights Phone-paid Services Authority publishes Annual Market Review 2016/17

The PSA has published its Annual Market Review for 2016/17. The review, delivered by Mobilesquared, highlights strong growth in operator billing and increased consumer satisfaction levels, whilst revenues from voices services continue to decline and consumer mistrust remains an issue.

According to the Review, charity donations continues to be the largest market sector with £115 million donated via text, with mobile-based revenues as a whole making up 75% of the market. Directory enquiries, the largest phone-paid service sector up until 2015/16, has experienced the largest decline with revenues down by 21%.

Although the findings show the market grew by 4.5% in FY16/17, the increase represents an artificial high. The PSA says that recent regulatory changes have improved the consumer experience of online competition and online adult services, ensuring consumers are able to purchase services with confidence. To read the PSA’s press release in full and for a link to the Review, click here.

