Expertise Offline Enforcement

The digital world has fundamentally changed approaches to rights protection – but offline enforcement remains a key tool. Our IP team is here to help you identify and prioritise targets, and to take effective action for you.

Are counterfeit products, grey goods or parallel imports something you need to tackle? Or do you need to take action to address misuse of your confidential information or other proprietary content? Are there associated issues of fraud? Do you need help in taking direct action against those behind an infringing online network?

Our IP specialists are experienced in applying legal solutions to protect your business, whether it’s part of a broader brand or content protection strategy, or an urgent one-off matter. We recognise the need for strategic thinking – and sometimes swift action – to ensure that top line sales are protected and consumer confidence is maintained.

We have years of experience of securing interim injunctions, third party disclosure orders, search and seizure orders, and freezing orders to assist with substantive litigation actions.  If your focus is on brand protection, our team can also help you with custom recordals.

We combine this legal expertise with an intelligence-led approach. We co-founded a tech company, Incopro, to provide a data-driven basis for legal actions, and work with a range of third party investigation companies to ensure that legal actions are founded on solid evidence. Incopro has recently been acquired by Corsearch but we continue to work side by side on supporting clients together.

Sometimes a different approach is required. We’ll look at all strategic options – whether that involves out of court action, criminal referrals or coordinating with our network of international firms – to ensure that proportionate action is taken to meet your commercial goals.