Insights Ofcom seeks views on designing Universal Service Obligation for broadband.

In November 2015, the Government set out its intention to introduce a Universal Service Obligation (USO) for broadband, giving everyone the right to request a decent broadband connection.

Following the Government’s launch of a consultation on the process it intends to follow to deliver a broadband USO, Ofcom has now published a call for inputs to help inform the design of a broadband USO.  Amongst other things, Ofcom is seeking views on:

  • appropriate download speeds, and other technical measures, necessary to deliver a “decent” broadband connection;
  • funding of the broadband USO;
  • when, and on what basis, the USO should be reviewed; and
  • designation of the universal service provider or providers.

The call for inputs is open until 22 June 2016.  The Government has asked Ofcom for a report setting out evidence based-analysis and recommendations on the design of the USO by the end of this year.  To access the consultation documentation, click here.

