Insights Ofcom publishes list of applications for small-scale DAB multiplexes


Ofcom explains that small-scale DAB is an innovative technology which will provide a low-cost route for local commercial, community and specialist music stations to take to the digital airwaves.

Ofcom has published a full list of applications received in the first round of small-scale DAB multiplex licensing. Ofcom says that it received a total of 45 applications for the 25 licence areas advertised, which are spread across the UK, and include several areas where small-scale DAB multiplexes have already been operating on a trial basis. The closing date for applications was 23 November 2020.

Licences will now be awarded by Ofcom in a competitive process, with each applicant being judged against specified criteria. Ofcom expects to publish full details of the applications by the end of 2020.

Ofcom says that a second around of licences for small-scale multiplexes in the North West of England & North East Wales “macro area” will be advertised in the first quarter of 2021. To access the list of applications, click here.