Insights Ofcom publishes decision on regulating wholesale fixed telecoms markets in the Hull Area from 2021 to 2026


Ofcom’s decision sets out how it will regulate the fixed telecoms that underpin broadband, mobile and business connections markets in the Hull area. The Hull Area accounts for around 0.7% (c. 200,000) of the UK’s premises, and people here benefit from the availability of KCOM’s full-fibre network. However, KCOM has a near monopoly at both the wholesale and retail level.

Therefore, following consultation, Ofcom says that it has improved its regulation to encourage competition in the retail broadband market. Ofcom believes there is now a better prospect of competing providers entering the Hull Area, which ultimately should result in more retail choice and lower retail prices.

As well as ensuring competitors continue to have access to KCOM’s network on fair and reasonable terms, Ofcom has also made improvements to the existing wholesale access arrangements to facilitate new entrants’ use of KCOM’s network.

The new regulations will apply from 1 November 2021. For further information, click here.