Insights Ofcom consults on its proposed Plan of Work for 2024/25


Ofcom, the UK regulator of telecoms, broadcasting, post, spectrum and online services, has published its proposed Plan of Work for 2024/25. When Ofcom was established in 2003, only 75% of adults had a mobile phone (the iPhone did not exist), services such as Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Facebook, X and YouTube did not exist, only 50% of UK homes had an internet connection and radio was delivered by analogue broadcast. Currently, 22m UK homes can access gigabit-capable broadband, there is a trend away from scheduled TV to on-demand services, Ofcom still receives a significant number of viewer complaints and there are growing risks from online harms. New challenges facing the regulator include AI, network security, immersive technologies and connected devices and the global nature of the services it regulates.

The plan outlines Ofcom’s priority outcomes, listed below, and explains how it will work to meet these over the course of the next financial year:

  • Internet we can rely on – fast and reliable connections and services for everyone, everywhere.
  • Media we trust and value – a wide range of high-quality media and protection for audiences across the UK. This priority area includes preparing for the reforms proposed in the Media Bill (see Wiggin’s update), currently working its way through Parliament.
  • We live a safer life online – platforms are incentivised to reduce harms and make consumers safer. This priority area includes implementation of the Online Safety Act 2023 (see Wiggin’s update).
  • Enabling wireless services in the wider economy – ensuring efficient use of spectrum and supporting growth across the economy.

Ofcom explains that it will continue to work through the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum and the Global Online Safety Regulators Network and will play a lead role in the global coordination of spectrum management.

The final plan will be published in March 2024. Before then, Ofcom will be hosting events across the UK to explain its Plan of Work to stakeholders.

For more information, to register for the events and to respond to the consultation, which closes on 9 February 2024, click here.