Insights Internet Services Providers’ Association welcomes digital economy taking prominent place in 2016 Queen’s Speech.

ISPA says that it is pleased that broadband and technology had a prominent place in the 2016 Queen’s Speech.  The Digital Economy Bill contains a number of measures that ISPA says will impact on its members.

In response ISPA Chair, James Blessing, said: “ISPA is pleased that the Government has put the digital economy front and centre of its upcoming legislative programme.  The Internet industry has invested significantly in making the UK a world leader in digital provision and will continue to do so and so we support government action to remove barriers to rollout. 

Mr Blessing also said that ISPA supports “the principle of universal broadband”, but that there remain “a number of questions” surrounding the Universal Services Obligation that “still need to be addressed”.  These include funding and the impact on the market so that the benefits of broadband can be felt “as widely and effectively as possible”.

Accordingly, ISPA says that it “awaits further information on consumer measures, including automatic compensation, including how this will fit with the existing consumer redress framework.

Finally, ISPA notes the Government’s plan to legislate on its manifesto commitment on age verification for sites offering adult content.  ISPA responded to the consultation and says that it will now “work with Government and members on this challenging and technically complex area”.  To read ISPA’s press release in full, click here.

