Insights British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors welcomes Government’s decision to increase sentence for online copyright infringement.

BASCA was one of the respondents to the Government’s consultation on increasing the maximum sentence for online copyright infringement from two to ten years of imprisonment (see item above).  In its response, it expressed support for penalty alignment, i.e. bringing online infringement into line with infringement of copyright in physical goods.  “We believe this harmonisation will help ensure that the seriousness of both offences is reflected, while also providing rights holders with a clearer distinction of the remedies available to them”, BASCA said.

BASCA is now “very pleased” that the Government has confirmed it wants to bring in legislation to increase the maximum sentence.  “As an organisation that supports and protects the interests of its members, we are delighted that the proposed changes will help to protect creators and rights holders”, it said.

CEO of BASCA, Vick Bain also said: “British music is revered and loved across the world for its richness and diversity, a fact that is reflected in its £4.1bn contribution to the UK economy.  We support effective and appropriately targeted laws that help protect our songwriters, composers and musicians, ensuring that if their creative work is compromised from the UK sanctions appropriate to the crime can be applied.  This announcement sends a clear message that the exploitation of intellectual property online is a serious crime that will not be tolerated”.  To read BASCA’s press release in full, click here.