Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) publishes Report on Comparison Tools and Accreditation

Under Article 103 of the European Electronic Communications Code (2018/72/EU) (EECC), NRAs must ensure that end users have access, free of charge, to at least one independent comparison tool. The tool must enable end users to compare and evaluate different Internet Access Services and publicly available NB-ICSs (Number Based Interpersonal Communications Services), and, where applicable, publicly available NI-ICSs (Number-Independent Interpersonal Communications Services), as regards prices and tariffs of services and quality of performance. These requirements must be fulfilled to obtain certification from the NRA.

BEREC says that the aim of this Report is to provide insight into the independent comparison tools that enable consumers (and other end users, if required by Member States) to compare and evaluate different services. The Report also sets out the certification process for providers of independent comparison tools that meet the Article 103 requirements in each Member State. To access the Report, click here.