Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) consults on its draft report on migration and copper switch-off

BEREC notes that the demands on electronic communications networks are constantly increasing and the response to that demand is to bring optical fibre closer and closer to the user. Therefore, the importance of the copper-based access network is decreasing, and Significant Market Power operators (SMPOs) increasingly want to decommission their legacy copper-based access networks and close related network elements e.g., main distribution frames (MDFs).

BEREC’s “draft report on a consistent approach to migration and copper switch-off” aims to establish a consistent approach to migration and copper switch-off.

The draft report also provides an overview of the status of SMPOs and their plans for the copper switch-off, as well as analysis of the rules set by national regulatory authorities (NRAs) in relation to the migration process and copper switch-off.

BEREC is inviting stakeholders to provide their input to the draft report by 28 January 2022. To read BEREC’s news release in full, click here. To access the draft report, click here.