Insights WIPO publishes information on the impact of the GDPR on its Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy (UDRP).

Now that the GDPR is effective, publicly-available WHOIS data in many instances no longer includes full identity and contact details for a domain name registrant, or for the administrative, technical, and billing contacts, and instead includes only limited information, including the “registrant organisation” name, its state and country.

However, if a UDRP complaint contains all the registrant information that is available, e.g. where the respondent identified in the complaint matches the publicly identified registrant in the registrar’s WHOIS database such as “Name Redacted”, then the WIPO Center will accept a UDRP complaint.

Once a complaint has been submitted and accepted, ICANN-compliant registrars will provide WHOIS information on request from WIPO or other UDRP provider (and at the same time “lock” the domain name’s registration and registrar information).

Once the WIPO Center receives the relevant information from the registrar, it will relay this to the complainant, who will be invited to amend its complaint to reflect the registrant information received.  To access WIPO’s document in full, click here.

