Insights Ofcom plans to cut bills of those with landline-only service from BT by at least £5 a month


Ofcom has announced plans to cut the bills of more than two million customers who buy only a landline telephone service from BT by at least £5 per month.

Ofcom says that it has reviewed how the market is working for customers who buy only a landline service from a provider, either because they do not want broadband or pay TV, or because they take these services under separate contracts, usually from different companies.

Ofcom has found that these customers, often elderly or vulnerable people who have remained with the same landline provider for decades, are getting poor value for money in a market that is not serving them well enough.

Ofcom therefore intends to give these customers with standalone landline contracts additional protection by cutting the cost of BT’s line rental by at least £5 per month, i.e. £60 per year. To read Ofcom’s news release, click here.