News Wiggin lawyer publishes work of fiction

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Wiggin lawyer James Hope is about to publish his first book. ‘Princess Emma & The Dark Unicorn’ is a story written for young adults about the adventures of a young princess and her best friend in the forest kingdom of Antashia. After three years of drafting, it will hit the shelves on 28 June.

James comments: “The support for this project from the partners, and encouragement on a personal level, has been fantastic. But then again, media is our industry and our core area of interest.”

Wiggin is a niche firm, focused exclusively on the media sector. James joined Wiggin in December 2012 and specialises in all aspects of commercial property law for media companies.

James will be publishing the book himself in digital format for Kindle through Amazon and in hardback and paperback through Blurb.

James continued: “Writing a novel in my down time and around a full time job was challenging but what kept me motivated was the desire to produce a really strong female character. Most leading ladies I can think of in modern popular writing play second fiddle when the chips are really down. The hero swoops in with his magic wand or his fangs or his superpowers or whatever. I wanted Emma to be front and centre for her own adversity.

“Work/Life balance was an obvious challenge in the writing process, and the expectations of a firm like Wiggin are high. We provide the highest quality of service to a very demanding industry, and nothing but the absolute best will do. On top of that, I wanted to spend every spare second I had with my family, and that didn’t leave much time for writing – I suppose that’s why it’s taken me three years to finish the project!”