News Wiggin helps Press Gazette with its legal challenge

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Niche media law firm Wiggin is helping Press Gazette with its legal challenge to get the police to release information on its use of RIPA against journalists.

Press Gazette has formally challenged the police refusal to disclose information about the seizure of journalistic phone records. Representing Press Gazette, Caroline Kean and Eileen Weinert of Wiggin LLP, and Robin Hopkins, Barrister at 11 KBW have complained to the Information Commissioner about police forces’ handling of Press Gazette Freedom of Information requests.

Caroline Kean and Eileen Weinert comment: The need to protect the confidentiality of journalistic sources is crucial to safeguard the free press in a democratic society.

“The public has a very pressing interest in knowing if journalists are routinely subject to RIPA surveillance, without any consideration of their profession and their obligations of professional secrecy. We are delighted to be assisting the Press Gazette in this complaint to the Information Commissioner.”