Insights Ofcom consults on proposed changes to the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) it uses to assess the BBC’s performance in delivering its Mission and promoting its Public Purposes


Ofcom explains that the existing PMF was put in place in 2017 and sets out the performance measures, metrics and main data sources used for its monitoring and performance assessment of the BBC.

Ofcom considers that the framework of four performance measures that make up the PMF remain effective, but that some of the detail requires updating to ensure it remains fit for the future. It is consulting on the following changes:

  • removing references to specific data sources to ensure the document does not become outdated;
  • removing the concept of a “minimum set of evidence” for each Public Purpose to be replaced with a broader range of examples of the breadth of metrics Ofcom uses across all Public Purposes; and
  • expanding the scope of its approach to measuring impact.

The consultation closes on 23 June 2023 and Ofcom plans to publish its decision in July 2023. To access the consultation, click here.