Insights Single Digital Gateway Regulation (2018/1724/EU) published in Official Journal


The new Regulation, which is aimed at providing better online access to information and procedures across the EU, was formally adopted by the Council of the EU on 27 September 2018. On 21 November it was published in the Official Journal.

The single digital gateway will use the existing “Your Europe” portal and will include a common user interface integrated into the Your Europe portal. The interface will be easy to use and available in all official EU languages. The new gateway will integrate a number of networks and services that have been established at national and EU level to provide support for cross-border activities. The interface will provide a central access point for all citizens across the EU.

Some key administrative procedures will be available online to both national and cross-border users and aims to help reduce administrative burdens. As a general rule, the single digital gateway will apply the “once-only” principle, so that individuals and businesses will only have to supply information once to public administrations.

The Regulation will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal. However, in order to give national, regional and local administrations more time to adapt, the target date for putting all relevant information and procedures online will be two, four or five years after the entry into force, depending on the issue. To access the new Regulation, click here.