Insights British Film Institute publishes figures for British film, high-end television, animation television programmes, children’s television programmes and video games certification for 2019


Key points show:

Feature film

In 2019, 375 films received final certification, with a UK production spend of £2,172 million and a total budget of £3,771 million. UK spend accounted for 58% of the total budget. This is the highest spend on certified British feature films since the tax relief was introduced.

The majority of films, 363, were certified under the cultural test with a UK spend of £2,152 million and total budget of £3,725 million, also record highs. There were 12 co-productions with UK spend of £20 million and total budget of £46 million.

High-end television programmes

A total of 132 high-end television programmes received final certification under the cultural test in 2019, with a UK production spend of £1,299 million and a total budget of £1,736 million. UK spend was 75% of the total budget. This is the highest spend on certified British HETV programmes since the tax relief was introduced.

Animation television programmes

There were 59 animation programmes with final certification under the cultural test in 2019 with a UK production spend of £89 million and total budget of £124.5 million. UK spend was 71% of the total budget. This is the highest spend on certified British animated television programmes since the tax relief was introduced.

Children’s television programmes

A total of 81 children’s television programmes received final certification under the cultural test in 2019, with a UK production spend of £83 million and a total budget of £84 million. UK spend was 99% of the total budget. UK spend and total budget values have dropped from 2018.

To access the figures in full, click here.

