Expertise Trade Secrets

Trade secrets and confidential know-how often provide the most valuable commercial advantage over competitors and are found at the heart of many innovative commercial partnerships. Yet these important assets are frequently overlooked, particularly where other IP rights may also be in play.

But the landscape is changing. Digital is here. Industry 4.0 is here. And legislators and companies alike are realising the importance of trade secrets in a world based on data, cyber risks and digital technology.

At a time when innovation is increasingly the result of collaboration, we understand that truly dynamic commercial partnerships often require sensitive information, methodologies and techniques to be shared in order to realise true potential. We help to put in place the documentation that enables you to enter into those partnerships safe in the knowledge that your valuable trade secrets and confidential information are secure and so that everyone knows where they stand as their relationships develop.

There may be times when it is necessary to take action to prevent others taking advantage of your business-critical information. Whether that is a former employee walking out of the door with software or customer lists, or a competitor seeking to narrow the gap by accessing your commercially sensitive techniques or methodologies; taking quick and effective action is key. Our experienced team of enforcement experts know this and are on hand to take the steps necessary to safeguard your commercially sensitive information.