Insights Independent Press Standards Organisation publishes guidance on reporting of sexual offences for journalists and information for survivors


The guidance for journalists and editors outlines key questions in line with the Editors’ Code and includes a number of case studies. It includes information on legal obligations, the rules on anonymity and avoiding jigsaw identification, and advises on language and interviewing survivors of sexual violence.

The information for survivors is designed to help people understand the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO must follow when reporting on sexual offences. It informs them about what to expect from journalists, empowering them to speak to the media should they wish to, and to know where to go for help if they do not.

The information was developed after discussions with organisations that provide support to survivors of sexual offences and domestic violence, including Rape Crisis, Solace Women’s Aid, LimeCulture and Women’s Aid. IPSO members of staff also met with survivors of sexual offences and domestic violence, as part of the Angles project being run by On Road Media. To access the new guidance, click here.

